Grow your wealth with regular savings

A Regular Savings Plan (RSP) is a subscription plan that enables you to invest a small fixed sum of money into the mutual fund of your choice on a regular basis.
RSPs adopt the concept of dollar cost averaging, an effective strategy that avoids trying to time markets.
What is the point of dollar-cost averaging?
Dollar cost averaging is the practice of investing a fixed dollar amount on a regular basis, regardless of the share price. It's a good way to develop a disciplined investing habit, be more efficient in how you invest and potentially lower your stress level.
By investing regularly, more units are bought when prices are low and less units when prices are high. As a result, in rising or fluctuating markets, the average cost for all the units can be lower than the average price during the same period.

Stick to the plan

You can now RSP into any SGD mutual fund of your choice via Direct Debit Account (DDA) on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Get started in 2 easy steps.
Set Up your DDA
Go to Portfolio > Deposit > Select DDA > Add Bank Account
Select the mutual fund of your choice > Click RSP > Payment Method > Add Bank Account
Start Investing

Once your DDA has been successfully set up, click on your linked Bank Account as your payment method and select your frequency for your RSP.


Submit RSP, and you're done!